my head is gonna blow!
its just the start of the week and right now my head really hurts. maybe because i don't have enough sleep coz i always stay up late reading and doing piles of stuff.
we had our first short exam in kasaysayan 1 yesterday. even if i reviewed to death, still the questions were beyond my knowledge. good thing was its the multiple choice part so at least guessing the answers spared me.
and after that freaking exam, my head just started to ache as if its gonna blow or something. because of that it was hard for me to focus on things. thats why i even decided not to eat lunch with my blockmates coz the ride to CMC will surely add to my stress.
i thought that my headache would cease once i have eaten lunch. but damn, it still ached until my Math 11 and even after that.
i also forgot to answer my assignment in Math. the good thing was i wasnt called, so again, im saved.
the CRS (Communication Research Society)-- one of my course's org, went to our class to introduce themselves since CORE (Community oif Research Enthusiasts) was our block handler.
they gave us this cd. actually at first i thought its the gloria gate scandal so i was very happy. but they said its all about the org so...ok.
i still am not decided if what org ill be joining. although my friends signed up for CORE, i still feel like giving CRS a try. well i still haev plenty of time to decide so i dont need to hurry things.
oh well today is tuesday... and tomorrow is the rookie camp! yehey!!! so sad we weren't able to join the paintball competition because registration period is over.huhuhu...
well theres still a lot of things in store for us so its alright.
7:35 PM
whew! thank god another week has passed and i am still alive. although i didn't have enough sleep and my head always hurts. the good thing is i don't feel sleepy at all during class. well there are so many things that happened this week.
last wednesday, although i don't have any class, i still went to UP to meet someone for CW10. actually, we have to work in pairs, and i really didn't expect bianca to be my partner. well i already met her in journalism contests and bianca and I were the president and vice pres. internal of the NCR Editors Guild respectively. since the first time i entered the class, i already recognized her but i was too shy to talk to her. so i was really surprised that we ended up doing the homework together.
well everything went well. i think we did a great job with the iambic pentameter although it was so hard. we stayed in the library for hours. actually bianca did most of the lines, i just gave my views or suggested some words, i am not good in poetry you know. i was also shy to give my ideas for they are not as good as bianca's. here's our masterpiece...
I sat alone in a calm Winter night
And watched the snow as it did kiss me skin
I felt no cold but freezing of my heart
Until you came and covered me with warmth
When Spring arrived the leaves began again
To dance and sing with wind's harmonious hymn
So did my heart that started breathing life
As if it never knew such thing before
The Summer air came running like a fire
Sun's light embraced the two of us so tight
The warmest love we never stopped to share
And you and me just wished that it would last
But Autumn rushed in, took away my joy
You left without a wod, I cried, I cried
The leaves began to wilt and soon they died
I'm here, alone, just left with the word "bye"
I sat alone in a calm Winter night
And watched the snow as it did kiss me skin
I felt no cold but freezing of my heart
Wonderful isn't it? hehehe...
Because of this poem I wasn't able to go to MOnsay to get a copy of the second issue of the B&W. well of course I would rather do this [poem] you know, or else i'd be dead by now!
-FRESHIE WEEK 2005-(Jun26-Jul1)I am so excited. Here are the list of acvtivities:
SundayRoad Painting --> CommRes people wear black shirt.
MondayFOPC Exhibit --> No idea.
Tuesday"Closer" Movie Screening --> I'm too busy, I don't think i'll go.
WednesdayRookie Camp: A Mini Fair*Paint Ball --> kulang pa kami ng isang member. who wants to join?
*Art Booths --> henna and glitter tattoos! kewlness!
*Videoke Challenge --> why not?!*Inflatables --> tsunami giant slide and bungee run
*Block Picture Taking --> K-3 wear yellow or orange shirt.
ThursdayFreebies --> yehey... free isaw and jeepney rides!
FridayFreshteeeeg! Free Concert for Freshies --> damn it! i dont think ill go. first of all i have to watched something on Thursday night. second, i dont think my dad will allow me. and lastly, i am sure that ill be freaking tired on that day.
Arghh... we are required to watch this musical thing for our PE class. now how on earth am i suppose to go home. The program starts around 7pm, so maybe it'll be finish around 9 or 10pm.
11:24 PM
plato: boy wonder
i am still awake. i dunno, i just cant sleep. even if my day was really exhausting. okay minutes ago it was a Tuesday, meaning, its my PE class again. damn, it can really kill. like stretching our backs and necks and thighs and arms... you name it, everything -- stretched! after the first sem, all of us will be elastigirl! but thats okay though.
oh i am so happy. coz day by day im starting to feel very comfortable with my college life. why? okay here are the reasons:
1.) i am starting to like my social science 2 class little by little. i am somewhat amazed of the ancient greek ideologies and stuff. i like the topic on socrates and plato. they rock! and because i totally adore them, im planning of building a shrine for them... am i nuts?! nah, just kiddin'.
2.) i am reciting. would you look at that! me, reciting?! oh well thats oh sooo true. yes, i am indeed now participating in class discussions. although im still a little nervous, well why not. i dont care if they laugh at me. oh wait...... lemme take that back, yes i do care if they do.
3.) i eat alone. oh well thats kinda weird huh?! oh well in UP it would be really very difficult for you to find people whom you'll always hang out with, as in all the time. of course exceptions are your former hs classmates. im talking here of new acquiantances okay.
math is still confusing! you see, my waterloo is math. and until now it really sickens me. although its just the basic algebra, the proving thing is shit. nyahaha... oh well thats normal and hopefully ill pass.
question: have you seen a boy carrying a pucca bag walking in the streets?
well if you did, isnt it cute?!
and if you still haven't, well you should. thats the most adorable thing you know-- a must see! :)
12:29 AM
my crappy thinkpiece
okay from now on this blog will be on a weekly basis. damn i have so many things to do, i dunno which one i'll do first. and of course together with that, i cant update this regularly.
well its saturday. thank god i only have to read a few articles. so i have time to do other things. actually im a bit bed ridden, hehehe... my whole body is aching. yesterday was my first PE class, and we already did some stretchings, and because im not used to it, well now im in pain. oh well ill get used to it sooner or later, because we will be doin the routines regularly. but all in all, i love my modern jazz class!
i only have two classes yesterday. well my creative writing 10 prof didnt show up. hehehe. im so happy for he was not able to check our poems. he made us do like ten lines of metaphors about love. and i dont have the slightest idea of what ill write. i was also troubled for i wasnt able to read the assigned readings for that day the previous night so i have to go and photocopy those stuff again. good thing he didnt show up.
well why wasnt i able to read the assignes poems? its because of my first thinkpiece due yesterday. so i have to finish it thursday night. and again it took me decades to finish my whole article consisting of about 500-1000 words. actually, that was just the first of the seven thinkpieces we have to submit in social science 2. oh well its really nonsense, just a bunch of crap, just to be able to meet the deadline... okay here it is
Ever since we started school, our teachers in History would often describe the family as the smallest unit in the society. Smallest yet said to be the most important. This is where a person’s individuality is developed. It is also one’s first teacher – guiding and teaching a person the different ways to play this cruel game called life.
We Filipinos value our family very much. We pay great respect to the elders. And because of giving so much importance to our ancestors, some of us still do continue their culture until now.
Article 216 of the Philippine Civil Code states that “The family is a basic social institution which public policy cherishes and protects.” In Article 219 the state cautions its officials to respect the family’s responsibility for social welfare: “Mutual aid, both moral and material, shall be rendered among members of the same family. Judicial and administrative officials shall foster this mutual assistance.”
Also, Article 2, Section 12 of the Philippine Constitution of 1986 makes the defense of the family a basic national principle: “The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution.
Indeed, our country itself has recognized the primacy of the family in our society.
According to the Filipino Politics: Development and Decay by David Wurfel, we Filipinos describe kinship bilaterally; that is tracing one’s ancestry both through his/her mother or father, thus widening our social networks. An example of this network of kin is the term “extended family.” Meaning, most of the family members from our grandparents, to our uncles and aunts, to our cousins and nieces and even distant relatives are living under the same roof. This case is very common in the provinces, among the poor and in those who protect their clans strongly. There are even barrios in the provinces wherein its inhabitants came from the same family.
This what we call “close family ties” is not only visible in our society but in our government as well. But in this case, it is known to be the padrino system or the patronage politics. This, for me, is one important social, political and economic issue.
The Philippines has a very long history of strong families who have maintained and even widened their assets through the years. They have established a pattern of bilateral kinship, bringing a merge of fused networks. We can say that these “elite families” have a very big relationship to the course of Philippine politics. In Philippine politics, a family name is a very valuable asset. Many of us believe that along with their riches, the elites bequeath their character and characteristics to their younger generations. Voters seem to feel that a candidate with a “good name” or one who belongs to a very wealthy and respected family is best suited for the position. Evident examples of this are the Osmeñas of Cebu, the Cojuangcos of Tarlac, the Singsons and Crisologos of Ilocos Sur and the Romualdezes of Leyte. And since then, these elite families have ever since been called political dynasties.
Now what exactly is the problem with patronage politics or should I say how this “padrino system” is a problem to our country? You may think that it is not really a problem, maybe because it has been there for decades. But looking deeper, you would see that yes it has a great significance to our country and with how we Filipinos vote.
You see with this “anarchy of families in our country” as described by Alfred W. McCoy, there are times wherein those in power appoint some of their relatives to be members of their administration. This can also be the result of the strong ideology of us Filipinos that kinsmen should help each other in election and even after that.
I am not saying that it is illegal or relatives of the first family let us say are not allowed to take positions in our government. My point is that sometimes these appointees lack what it takes to be the right person for the job. They are sometimes incapable of doing the job making our political state worse and eventually even affecting our economy. In what sense? Of course the lack of capabilities for the job strongly affects a person from having a successful work. Also, if these appointees will just use their positions to do illegal things, then it is not only them who are criticized by the public but also the government, leading to a bad condition of our economy.
Likewise with this padrino system, we Filipinos will be forever trapped in our stereotypical way of thinking that the new broods of these political dynasties are just like the former. Thus, not recognizing the fresh politicians more suitable for the job.
And this again will again cause various problems in our country. Everything in our country is connected to each other. Meaning, with one wrong decision, thousands of problems may occur.
Just like in this patronage politics, problems like poverty and corruption may arise simply because those elected are not sincere in doing their jobs.
What we Filipinos need is to free our minds from our conventional way of thinking about this patronage politics. I think it is about time that we put an end to these political dynasties who are not being of help to our country. Yes, we are deeply experiencing great political, social and economic problems right now. And I think we should give a fresh batch of leaders a chance.
quite long huh? oh well its all trash.
11:29 AM
first week: i am dead
the first week of my dreading college life has passed. why am i describing it as dreading? well its really one heck of a burden! i don't know but on my part it trully is. sometimes i can't help but compare myself to my former hs classmates. like were all freshies right? but damn, why don't
they have to do the things im doing such as reading gargantuous piles of readings and stuff? oh it really isn't fair.
honestly my first week really came in as a shock. of course i have prepared myself to what can happen, be it inside the room or during my vacant time. maybe as of now i can consider my social science 2 as my biggest fear. why? because i am the only freshman in the group. my classmates are like in their third and final year. another is because of the thousands of
readings. well yes i love to read, but of course i read with great interest. well im not saying that i am not at all interested in the course, why on earth would i have chosen it then, but its just that reading a lot of related articles about it at once and like participating in class discussions just makes me a little bit nervous.
oh well i guess that is just how Up life is. well there are really great changes in me now. aside from reading advance topics in my various subjects, i now often go to the library. during my high school days i barely went there. i only did during assemblies and meetings of the student
council. but all in all, i didnt go there to read, well if i did i think id die, its like a sauna you know.
another is i now know how to use the OPAC, oh well dont mind its meaning, i dont know it either. its like a program in our library used to search for books and stuff. it would be easier for a student to know where that specific book is located, which section and if it is in the main library or in the different college libraries.
di ba sosyal ang UP?i am also the flash. hehehe... i have to walk as fast as i can all the way from the third floor of AS to the fifth floor of CAL for my next class. too bad if my prof dismisses us late, and if ever i arrive there, my other prof has already checked the attendance. well what could be better? of course vice versa.
but i guess the saddest part of all is that i dont have any companion during my vacant period. because we dont really have the same classmates for our subjects. its part of the RGEP, where students choose what subjects they want to take, so of course new set of classmates for everybody. well that is unless you and your friends enlisted for the same subject.actually
i have talked to kim about accompanying me during my vacant. we will see...
on the other hand, its really nice to see familiar faces. former students of magsaysay, people i met during the boys and girls week, people i have competed with in various contests and of course my hs friends.but of course there is still that feeling of missing your other hs friends. but thats how it is. we all have to take different courses of life. sad but true.
i know i WILL survive UP. im just not used to everything right now that is why im feeling a bit uneasy. i know its only the start. but once i get used to it, i know ill make. if others did, so will i!
8:36 PM
first day funk!
today is my first day in college. but the good thing is, all the freshies were excused from their classes for the fresman welcome assembly held at the university theatre. well i wish that my professors really did excused me from their respective classes. or otherwise no p.e. for me today is also my first day of p.e.
when we entered the theatre we were like boarding planes simply because the usherettes looked like flight attendants. hehehe. but that's not all. we also looked as if we just went to the grocery because of the plastic full of goodies from dearly beloved sponsors.hehehe.
we were seated according to our college so time to say bye bye to my hs schoolmates. actually it's a lot better to be seated according to your college specially if you are from CMC. why? the group is so wild and the energy? hehehe to the hightest level!
of course the program was the usual talks from the administrative staff and intermission numbers. pero kakaiba ang mga intermission numbers. para kang nasa broadway or some variety show. pabonggahan ang different orgs. the coolest was the play (isko) by some chenalu... hehehe i forgot na the name. actually na-engganyo akong magjoin ng social dance society (not sure if the name is correct). i really love dancing... as in.
after the program i thought it's time to go to megamall. well sadly not yet. we still had our block meeting; its for us to get to know each other. oh well the usual introduce yourself and stuff; some games, free food and ka-chorvahan. hehehe.
oh well applause to the following:angelo for being our block leader. goodluck na rin. =)
ronan for being his... his... anu nga ba? hehehe... for being the asst. leader.
and to
cate, for being the secretary.
also confetti to the following:regine for being chosen the 'beauty queen' of the group.
kay and
raine both 'crush ng bayan'
cate for the 'kitchie nadal' material. hehehe...
who else? actually the tallying of the results was stopped. we have to move on to the college tour kasi eh.
actually most of my blockmates put my name in the 'girl scout' and teacher's pet'... hehehe and i don't really know where the hell they got that idea. that's why i kept on laughing and forgot that i too have to complete the form. i just don't see myself being a girl scout for i always borrow things from my classmates eversince i was in elementary. and teacher's pet, c'mon. hello like teachers seldom like me for i am always excused from their classes and besides im kinda bitchy. hehehe...
oh well what a very exhausting day it is. but its all worth it and its a once in a lifetime experience. okay i guess i shud stop here. the following things are not that pleasant already. bakit ba kasi walang signal sa CMC?!
9:40 PM
a bit of improvement
hooray... hahaha im so so happy. well its not a big deal actually. well you see im a frustrated graphic artist. oh well no kidding! hehehe and i was like practicing for the nth time on how to make my own avatar. and at last i did it. well actually thanks to my brother. hehehe... he tought me a little bit of macromedia flash. well i guess i should follow their footsteps and play those tutorial cd's. but classes are gonna start very soon... and thats like tomorrow already so i guess i just have to wait for my vacation or sem break to have those cd's watched. huhuhu...
and speaking of first day funks... hehehe... well the whole freshmen community *naks, ibang level ito!* will be having an assembly tomorrow at the university theatre. actually im not really sure if what are in store for us there. i hope to meet my block mates and other freshies of course.
9:23 PM
my boyfriend is type B

well not my boyfriend exactly for i dont have one. hehehe... its the movie starring lee dong gun and Han Ji Hye. its not that good but its not that bad either... just right. actually i watched it for the sole purpose of seeing lee dong gun again... hehehe. its a really cute movie... you know where the boy is a bit of a slob but the girl doesn't mind. but still even if the leading man is a slob, he still do funny and romantic things... duh!? hehehe okay im like a little cheesy already. enough with that.
and whats with the title huh? well lee dong gun has a blood type B and han ji hye is type A. and it is said that a couples' relationship with those blood types will not last long. but of course it has a happy ending. so they did end up together.
here are some pics
they met by some kind of accident

they watched a movie (wet dreams 2) where gurlaloo is wearing a korean costume

meaning: is this love?
10:27 PM
sweet 18
just finished watching the whole series. oh lee dong gun is so so cute, can't get over him. and man he can really sing. but i don't like him in stained glass, i dunno maybe it has something to do with the network too...hahaha...

this is the theme song of sweet 18 in GMA.
I Know Yasmien KurdiI don't need to own a fancy car
To drive with you around the city
I don't need to live in a palace white house
A simple home is enough for me
I don't need much
Only your attention
I had to hope
To make me feel that I am not alone
I know
with you my life is worth living
I know
with you my life is gonna be just fine
I know
with you each day begins with a smile
I don't really have to worry
Somethings won't workout for me
I don't really have to bother
Just as long as you here with me
I don't need much
Only your affection
To see me through
To make me feel that I am not alone
I know
Together we can make our dreams come true
I know
But through the years we won't be growing old
I know
Counting stars won't be so hard to do
There will be your lowest time
At the end of the tumble shine
Our love for each other never fails
Baby I just know (I know)
I know (I know)
I know... wooahh..
I know (I know)
I know (I know) wooahh...
I don't need much
Only your affection
To see me through
To make me feel that I am not alone
6:07 PM
the sea princess
arghh... im so bored... and this ennui made me answer bunch of quizzes in the net... well i did enjoy though...

You're Element is Water. You are soft and serene at
most times but like Wind, you're scary when
you're angry. You proabaly have a talent is
singing and even your speaking voice is lovely.
You have an innocent type of beauty that makes
you look younger than you are and you like
close relationships with people.
What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)brought to you by Quizillawell well look at that i have a talent in singing? are you kiddin' me?! hehehe... i know my voice is
very lovely but to sing? oh come on! :) yup everything is true except the 'singing' thing.
1:21 PM
goddess of the dark side

You are a dark goddess!
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?brought to you by
11:53 PM
the bitch is back
it seemed decades-- well for me-- since i last updated my blogs. and actually i was like going crazy for days for i can't even surf the net. it took us weeks for the extension of our telephone to get fixed, meaning no "night life" for me. huhuhu.
thank god... voila! our phone connection is back. so right now i really have so many things to talk about. ive been to the province, weve had our 'class summer outing'and these past few days ive really been so so happy and i just cant tell you guys all the exact details. hehe quite private. haha.
first stop: my 3 day vacation in zambalesill just make things short for it would take me the whole day talking 'bout my trip. so here are the top 5 things i found out, or should i say those that caught my attention...
1)i am so glad i didn't join the santacruzan. hehe i would have stolen the spotlight from the queen. no kidding! :)
2)my vacation was totally boring. all i did was to read the "tree" by f. sionil jose, sleep, and eat.
3)all i did was to play with the dogs. but i really love the pitbull-bulldog, MAC,of my cousin. a bit angelic for a pitbull actually.
4)my trip to the beach was thwarted due to 'undivulged' circumstances. hehehe
5)of course there's the mushy thing again... hehehe... no kidding aside i was really happy to see my relatives specially my cousins and neices.
second stop: the 'pahabol' class get together1)there were only 13 people in the outing...nice 'class' outing huh?!
2)we were like treasure hunters looking for the exact location of the pool. we were suppose to be there around 10:30 am but got therea around noon already due to latecomers and nil info bout the place
3)we ate chocolate chip cookies, bread and liver spread and sprite-royal mix for lunch.its a good thing some peeps brought their own lunch that's why we got to eat a few rice... yumyum... alpha's chicken... :)
4)i learned how to swim... at long last... justin and lop taught me... just see the pictures okay. but prior to that i nearly drowned because of the 'hold-each-others-hands-form-a-cirlce-and-jump-around' game.
5)my father got angry with me because i came home late. huhuhu... maybe no more outings for me in the future...
third stop: the reason why i am so happywell unfortunately as i have said earlier i cannot give details. well its mah private lyf and i dont want yah guys bugging me with a whole lotta questions bout it. thats gonna spoil everything. imma very private person yah know! i tend to keep everything private for the past not to come in full cirlce.
8:53 PM