-the elite trio-
i really miss my high school days and friends, although sometimes it gave me a lot of pain in the ass... but im really thankful and proud to have studied in a public school for it really opened a lot of doors for me. i experienced competing in various contests inside and outside the school, i got to meet friends from different schools not only in manila but in the whole region as well, my self-confidence was enhanced, i got to be a city hall official for a week twice and i won in writing tilts and other competitions. but most especially, i represented my school.
well here are some pics of
THE ELITE TRIO- the front runners of Magsaysay, hehehe... with ronel, my co-EIC in journalism (Im with the english publication, his with Fil) and the 'culprit' of our class.

kim, lucha and angie

well it could have been a perfect shot if it wasn't for the 'culprit'-ronel :)

2:57 PM
well UP, here i come...
after all my hardships in trying to make it to UPD, well at long last, im enrolled! And i just cant wait. Im feeling it right now, all the euphoria, especially when we attended the freshmen orientation yesterday.
ok let me tell yah guys my journey for the past days, last monday was the college breifing, so all the freshies assigned on that day were suppose to be in their respective colleges around 8am. and of course, im an early bird, i arrived there around 7am. well thats okay coz i got to meet new friends. oh well it took us half of the day discussing things about the college and course...after that we, or should i say i, went straight to AS for the enrolment.well im really happy that i got all the classes and schedule that i wanted, especially my p.e.- modern jazz... yippeee!!!
we returned the next day for the freshmen orientation. (of course i cant tell you guys every detail, it would take me hours ok.) well that turnes out to be really cool. with all the funny hosts, videos and cheers and expecially the University tour... awesome! "pasok sa banga!"
oh i just can't wait!
11:59 PM
-=pandemonium totale=-
complete chaos-- well that's how i describe einstein's first 'grand chat day' yesterday. everyone wanted to talk and give their views and groups started to form like they were the only people around and the topic was not that easily brought up and discussed. but honestly, it really touched me to see that most of the class did made that effort to go online and attend the 'meeting'. but too bad coz they logged out without the slightest information on how our outing would turn out, coz apparently the room has been talking nonsense for an hour. i just dont get it why people tend to butt in without even thinking if their opinion is connected to the topic. what i hated most was that people asked me questions obviously irrelevant to our agenda.lyk, are they really suppose to ask things like those? i dont even meddle with their personal lives. and so people one-by-one left the room. and so with only like maybe eight of us left in the room, i decided to leave too. well what the heck am i staying there for, we, the class- with 49 students, were suppose to be deciding on it, not just a fraction of the group ryt? actually im okay with wherever the location of the outing will be, what i am concerned of is that some of our classmates may not be able to join for it might be too far and their planning to have it overnight (i really dont know why they like to have it overnight)? like hello, so we are talking about an outing for the class here ryt? well it doesn't at all make sense, coz it turns out that with that plan in mind, i think a only a few would be able to come. so where is the essence of the class outing? precisely my point.well i just wish that everything will turn out fine and that hopefully, most of the class will be able to join our outing. and when i say most, thats like 30 or more.
8:52 PM
all about eve
just finished watching the all about eve series starring Jang Dong Gun (kenneth), Chae Rim(nicole), Kim So Yeon (erica) and Han Jae Suk (warren). for those who are lovestruck or 'romantic doo-doos' well this is a must-see. i love the story so much im actually watching it all over again. hehehe... unexpected fate of some of the characters.
6:33 PM